
PHICOR Ayurvedic Capsules 30 Pack for Leucorrhoea Treatment Guelph Healthcare®


Guelph Healthcare presents PHICOR Ayurvedic Capsules 30 Pack for Leucorrhoea Treatment,

Ayurvedic Capsules for Leucorrhoea Treatment


Ayurvedic Capsules for Leucorrhoea Treatment

PHICOR is result promising anti-Leucorrhoeal ayurvedic proprietary formula made up of multifaceted herbs which helps to stop excessive discharge from vagina and to make the female body more stronger & healthy without any side effect.

It controls leucorrhoea by maintaining normal pH levels. Stops mucopurulent discharges. Relieves pain, burning sensation and itching. Prevents excessive menstrual loss. Relieves dysmenorrhea, pelvic pain, backache and leg cramps. It deals with backache issue associated with leucorrhoea and provides an overall special care for women.

Useful in Shwetpradara, Katishula, Balya, sotha (Helpful in cyclic disturbance, loss of apetite, general body weakness , low back pain)


Each 500mg contains:

Lodhra, Shatavari, Dhataki, Ashok, Seb, Rudrapushpa, Ulatkambal,
Kali musli, Bargad, Amla, Shunthi, Ashwagandha, Semal, Bilva

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